With today marking exactly 1 week until Election Day, I wanted to make sure all the boxes were checked on your 2020 Election Checklist!
☐ Do you know who you want to vote for? Click here to visit our 2020 Vote Center to locate your Congressional and Legislative District and to see our endorsed Candidates in your district.
☐ Have you filled out your ballot? If you haven’t, please do it right now! This election is critical for our state and country and with record high turnout, we can’t afford to leave any votes on the table.
☐ Do you know where your nearest dropbox is? Don’t worry, we have you covered. Click here to see where your County’s closest dropbox is and remember that all ballots must be deposited into a dropbox by 8 PM next Tuesday, November 3.
☐ Pass it on. Democrats have shown their true colors on everything from defunding the police to forcing their awful comprehensive sex education into every school across the state so after your return your ballot, help us reach more voters. Check out our list of Volunteer Events and sign up today!
☐ Pitch in. We are $20,130 from hitting our 2020 annual goal. If you can, pitch in $10, $25, $50 or even $100 to help us keep up the momentum through Election Day and we will get our great Republican Candidates across the finish line!