Chairman Jim Walsh Re-elected to Lead WAGOP; Michelle Belkot Elected Vice Chair

Bellevue— On Friday, Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) Chairman and State Representative Jim Walsh (LD19) was re-elected chairman—the same day, his X post, rebuking radical Olympia Democrats who are protecting sex offenders at school (HB 1296), caught the attention of President Donald J. Trump. The post has garnered more than 4 million views, so far. [...]

President Trump Retweets Post by WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh, Rebuking Olympia Democrats for Protecting Sex Offenders at School

Bellevue—The leader of the Free World, President Donald J. Trump, earlier today, retweeted a post by Washington State Republican Party Chairman (WAGOP) and State Representative (LD 19) Jim Walsh rebuking radical Olympia Democrats who are protecting sex offenders at school, instead of students. Radical Democrats in Olympia are trying to undo the parent’s bill of rights [...]

Yakima GOP Chair Matt Brown Joins State Party to Expand GOTV and Ballot-Harvesting Sucesss

Bellevue—Washington State Republican Party Chairman (WAGOP) Jim Walsh announces that Yakima County GOP Chairman Matt Brown is joining the State Party staff as Political Director—in a newly-configured version of that position. At the State Party, Brown will focus on two areas of campaign support: Get out the Vote (GOTV) and ballot-harvesting efforts. WAGOP's newly-configured [...]

Olympia Democrats Trash 130 Years of Tradition in State House to Restrict Free Speech

Bellevue—WAGOP Chairman and State Representative (LD 19) Jim Walsh issued the following statement after being gaveled by Democrat Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins on Friday evening, Jan. 24, during the final voice vote on the rules package, which includes harsh new restrictions on House Floor debates. The new restrictions aim to quash free [...]

Mathew Patrick Thomas (MPT) to Resume Role as WAGOP Finance Committee Chair

 Bellevue—Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) Chairman Jim Walsh is delighted to announce that Mathew Patrick Thomas (MPT) will resume his role as Finance Committee Chair, beginning immediately. The WAGOP hasn’t had a Finance Committee or a Finance Committee Chair since MPT stepped down from the position several years ago to become Chair of the [...]

WA Dems Flout the Democratic Process in Lawsuit to Overturn the Will of Voters

Bellevue—Seattle and King County are subverting the will of voters and the initiative process by suing over the natural gas initiative (I-2066), signed by more than 550,000 Washingtonians, according to Let’s Go Washington. Fifty-two percent of voters approved of the measure last month. Actions meant to undermine the will of voters is precisely why the WAGOP (Washington [...]

WAGOP Statement on President Biden’s sweeping pardon of his son, Hunter Biden

Bellevue—United States President Joe Biden has issued a broad presidential pardon to his adult son, Hunter Biden, which covers various legal problems, crimes, and potential crimes. The Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) has received a plethora of questions about the Biden pardon. Many people are asking whether it is legal or ethical, others are [...]

WA turns redder, despite faulty media reports that said otherwise

Bellevue—Washington did NOT “turn bluer” in this month’s general election, despite faulty reports from the mainstream media. In fact, by standard political metrics, Evergreen State voters turned slightly more toward Republican candidates in 2024. This continues an incremental move toward the political middle that’s been in place for several years. In the early hours [...]

The WAGOP Unveils “Project to Resist Tyranny in Washington” with a Bob Ferguson Administration Looming

Bellevue—Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) Chairman Jim Walsh has unveiled the State Party's "Project to Resist Tyranny in Washington." This project is designed to prevent elected officials with authoritarian impulses from ruining the lives of people living in Washington. It is also designed to protect free people from retaliation by state government agencies because [...]

As a New Day Dawns in America, the WAGOP is Determined to Continue Fighting the Good Fight

Bellevue—Last night was a great night for the American people. We are righting our ship of state at the federal level. It was also great night in Bellevue, where 700-plus joyful people gathered with the Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) and local talk-radio hosts to celebrate Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance’s strong showing—in both the [...]