BELLEVUE — The Washington State Republican Party’s (WSRP) Chairman Caleb Heimlich issued the following statement in response to Democrats in the State Legislature sending a letter to Gov. Jay Inslee threatening to hold a special session unless he reevaluates his reopening plan:
“For over a year Republicans have been sounding the alarm on the entirely undemocratic process that Governor Jay Inslee has been utilizing to lockdown Washington without any input from our state’s legislative branch. Democrats have had every opportunity to work across the aisle, including an 8th order motion in the closing weeks of legislative session, to reform the Emergency Powers Act but they have refused each time. Now, these same Democrats are saying the same thing we have been saying: Jay Inslee is making arbitrary decisions that are not based in science and we need legislative oversight. It is long past time to hold Inslee accountable and make sure he does not have the power to single-handedly pick which communities suffer.”