Our First Super Saturday Of 2020!

Like you, and many other Washingtonians, we’re frustrated by Governor Inslee`s lack of a plan for re-opening Washington. Just this week Inslee demonstrated, yet again, the serious need for a change in leadership in Washington State.
If you agree, then join us this Saturday, April 25, along with our Washington State Trump Victory Teams, and thousands of volunteers across the country in a first-of-its-kind digital National Weekend of Action phone bank! It’s more important than ever before that we let Washingtonians know that President Trump and Washington Republicans are fighting for them.

We know the media won’t deliver this message, so it’s our job as dedicated and proud Republicans to do so. Our goal is to reach out to 25,000 voters this Saturday and we need every Republican to help out – are you in?

Join our digital phone bank, pledge 100 calls, and let’s get our state back on the right track – just follow these easy steps below:

  1. Register on trumptalk.gop no later than Friday, April 24
  2. Check your email for your login information
  3. Log into Trump Talk and begin making calls on Saturday, April 25!

There are no lists, no dialing, no trouble – Trump Talk automatically dials the numbers for you, leaves a voice message if they don’t answer, and is simple and easy to use!

If you have any question, please contact our Political Director, Anton, at anton@wsrp.org and we’re looking forward to making calls with you this saturday!

April 23rd, 2020|