Renew Your 2020 Republican Membership!

We’re proud to announce our Washington State Republican Party 2020 Membership cards are on the way so contribute today and we will mail you a customized membership card to proudly display!

Your support of our Party and our great Republican candidates has allowed us to push for lower taxes, efficient spending, and limited government with unlimited opportunity – Our goal is to have every Member back on board by April 1st, that’s why we’re asking you to renew your Sustaining Membership today with a donation of $10, $25, or even $50 so we can keep fighting against the Seattle-style Socialism rapidly spreading to every corner of our state.

This election is going to have consequences. State income tax, pay-per-mile tax, outrageous property taxes, safe injection sites – all of it is on the Democrats’ liberal wish list and that’s without mentioning car tabs, homelessness, traffic, or their NUMEROUS attempts to strip away our Second Amendment rights and force a comprehensive sex education agenda into every school.

All of this on top of Jay Inslee’s awful approval numbers and the Democrats’ refusal to give hardworking Washingtonians any type of tax relief – victory is well within reach, but we need your help. With $10, $25, $50, or more, you can renew your membership and give our Field Directors, activists, and volunteers the tools they need to get Republicans out to vote, and get our state back on the right track in November!

March 3rd, 2020|