SB 5770 makes homeownership even more burdensome

As ordinary Washingtonians strain to make ends meet, SB 5770 would make hard times even worse, as homeowners struggle under the weight of massive property tax increases. SB 5770 is further indication that Olympia Democrats are tone-deaf to the plight of their constituents. Their only “solution,” it seems is taxing Washingtonians into poverty or foreclosure.

“Once again it’s never enough for the Democrat majority in the legislature,” says Republican Sen. Drew MacEwen.

“This is unconscionable, especially at a time when family savings have been wiped out by inflation and high energy prices,” he adds. “Taxpayers have had enough. More than 90 percent of those who offered public comments on SB 5770 opposed this legislation. Working families are hurting, and it is time this legislature and governor come to grips with that.”

Specifically, SB 5770, introduced by Democrat Senator Jamie Pederson, would set the one percent cap on annual property taxes to three percent.

Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) Chairman Jim Walsh is also decrying the egregious bill. “SB 5770 will drive up the cost of homeownership, while also driving up rents, which are already too high,” he warns. “This is a troubling proposal being made at exactly the wrong time.”

He adds: “Legislators who support SB 5770 are out of touch with the lives of regular Washingtonians and dismiss what working people and families in this state are living through right now.”

“Contact your state legislators and demand that they vote NO on SB 5770,” exhorts  WAGOP Chairman Walsh.

February 8th, 2024|