We’re Almost There!

Two weeks ago we had nearly 1,100 more Washingtonians step up and volunteer to take on the responsibilities of being a grassroots Team Leader.  The next step was guiding them through a crash-course in activist training and digitally deploying them in the field – making phone calls, talking to voters, and letting everyone know, from Spokane to Seattle, that Democrats are making moves to tax our income, take away our rights, and destroy our economy.

Luckily, our supporters stepped up and less than a week later we already hit 50% of our goal to raise $5,480. Now, we’re over 75% of the way there but we still need to finish April strong so we can train the rest of our Team Leaders and get them spreading the message immediately.

Washingtonians literally cannot afford another four years of Jay Inslee and the House and Senate Democrats’ assault on our Constitutional rights.  That’s why we need you to pitch in today. $5 trains one team and we have 274 Team Leaders left to train, so we need to raise at least $1,370 in the next three days to hit our goal.

Thank you. With your help we can hit our goal, get our Team Leaders trained, and get our great State back on the right track!

April 28th, 2020|